The intelligence behind Intelligence

An innovative and natural solution that emerged from the evolution of IBIZ Licita.

Market Intelligence offers all the technology and expertise of IBIZ: complete, profound, and in-depth, yet intuitive and accessible at the same time.

Suitable for companies looking for new insight into their actual or potential markets. A transformative strategic vision that will lead to a new level of management and results in the public and non-retail private markets.


Why IBIZ Market Intelligence?

IBIZ Market Intelligence is a transformative solution. “No-nonsense” boosts your company's competitive advantages and results in the Public Procurement and Non-Retail Private markets.

It minimizes uncertainties, indicates opportunities, points out trends, and builds scenarios in a truly intelligent manner, through transforming (and the indicators have proven) its management.

Strategic Beehive of IBIZ Market Intelligence

It offers a complete view of the market, because one can analyze simultaneously, as a whole and in parts, according to their specific business demands.

Market intelligence with 3 dimensions of mapping: strategic, operational, and business. Each dimension is explored and analyzed in depth, in all its available facets and angles.

There are “infinite” possibilities and information and mapping that generates countless opportunities for strategic management and results.

IBIZ - More Complete Market Intelligence

Innovative technology with specialized people and knowledge.


Largest, most complete, and updated public market information database.


Deep understanding with multidimensional expertise.


Multifaceted analysis of information, with data crossing, correlations of behavior, and distinct process phases.


Why IBIZ Market Intelligence?

IBIZ Market Intelligence is a transformative solution. “No-nonsense” boosts your company's competitive advantages and results in the Public Procurement and Non-Retail Private markets.

It minimizes uncertainties, indicates opportunities, points out trends, and builds scenarios in a truly intelligent manner, through transforming (and the indicators have proven) its management.

Strategic Beehive of IBIZ Market Intelligence

It offers a complete view of the market, because one can analyze simultaneously, as a whole and in parts, according to their specific business demands.

Market intelligence with 3 dimensions of mapping: strategic, operational, and business. Each dimension is explored and analyzed in depth, in all its available facets and angles.

There are “infinite” possibilities and information and mapping that generates countless opportunities for strategic management and results.

Strategic Beehive of IBIZ Market Intelligence

Innovative technology with specialized people and knowledge.


Largest, most complete, and updated public market information database.


Deep understanding with multidimensional expertise.


Multifaceted analysis of information, with data crossing, correlations of behavior, and distinct process phases.

Slide Strategic Intelligence Offers a complete and systematic vision that provides a deep understanding and objective of your market, mapping opportunities for growth and investment, behavior, creation of strategic scenarios, and tendencies. Market Vision Complete Mapping
  • Market Share (volume and value)
  • Price Tracking: minimum, average, and maximum
  • Competitive Behavior
  • Commitment and Payment Flow
  • Analysis of Efficacy
  • Others
  • Mid-term and
    long-term planning
  • Tendencies
  • Opportunities
  • Scenarios
Slide Operational Intelligence Provides a deep overview of operational indicators in public and non-retail private procurement with a detailed insight of the procurement processes and routines. Market Vision
  • Short-term planning
  • Assertive and fast decision-making
  • Smarter and more optimized
    day-to-day operational
Operational Procurement
  • Calendar of notices to win
  • Validity of notices
  • Monitoring of principal notices of interest
  • Ranking of procurement bodies and much more
Slide Business Intelligence More than an X-ray, one total “resonance” of indicators: a modular and customized insight of the results and the performance of sales teams, prospects, and competitors working in the field. Market Vision
  • Management of teams and results
  • Increase in efficiency and profits
  • Competition Management
Operational Procurement
  • Sales by geographical area
    (region, state, and municipality)
  • Calendar of client visits
  • Ranking of notices by body, company,
    brand, region, business unit
  • Processes and prices earned directly,
    and by partner network

Inteligência Estratégica

Oferece uma visão completa e sistêmica, que proporciona um entendimento profundo e objetivo do seu mercado, mapeando oportunidades de crescimento e investimento, comportamento, criação de cenários estratégicos e tendências.

Visão de Mercado

  • Planejamento de médio e longo prazo
  • Tendências
  • Oportunidades
  • Cenários

Mapeamento Completo

  • Market Share (volume e valor)
  • Tracking de preços: mínimos, médios e máximos
  • Comportamento da concorrência
  • Empenho e fluxo de pagamentos
  • Análise de efetividade
  • Outros

Inteligência Operacional

Proporciona um mergulho profundo nos indicadores operacionais de licitação pública e non retail privado, uma visão detalhada dos processos e rotinas licitatórias.

Visão de Mercado

  • Planejamento de curto prazo
  • Tomada de decisão assertiva e rápida
  • Processos operacionais diários mais inteligentes e otimizados

Operacional Licitatório

  • Calendário de licitações a vencer
  • Vigência das licitações
  • Principais editais de interesse monitorados
  • Ranking de órgãos licitadores e muito mais.

Inteligência Comercial

Apresenta mais que um raio X, uma “ressonância” total dos indicadores: uma visão modular e customizável dos resultados e performance das equipes de vendas, prospecção e concorrentes que atuam no campo.

Visão de Mercado

  • Gestão de equipes e resultados
  • Aumento da eficiência e lucratividade
  • Gestão da Concorrência

Operacional Licitatório

  • Vendas por segmentação geográfica (região, estado e município)
  • Calendário de visitação de clientes
  • Ranking de editais por órgãos, empresa, marca, região, unidade de negócios
  • Processos e preços ganhos diretamente e por rede de parceiros

Excellence in Delivery

The IBIZ Market Intelligence solution is available in user-friendly dashboards and intuitive navigation.

The information can be customized according to the profile and the specific needs of each user.

Flexible access to information: online, offline, and Excel to meet your company's internal demands. They are 100% integrated with your BI system.


Excellence in Delivery

The IBIZ Market Intelligence solution is available in user-friendly dashboards and intuitive navigation.

The information can be customized according to the profile and the specific needs of each user.

Flexible access to information: online, offline, and Excel to meet your company's internal demands. They are 100% integrated with your BI system.


Click on the images and look at our dashboards.

Observe the behavior of the Public Markets of both Gravity Teams and Trucks. It is possible to analyze these markets from a macro view, until the granularity of price per approved item, by State and Procurement Body

*Please note, these screens reflect demonstrations of a reduced range of time - do not consider them as the final analysis of the market demonstrated.